medical update
Posted Wednesday, July 15, 2009 09:46 PM

I recieved a call from Randy Jennings and he said I  should post my current health condition on here.  I have been in contact with Shark Roberts and Tommy LeMacks. They know my condition and contacted Randy.

I have a ruptured disk pressing against my upper neck c3to5 vertabre. I had an MRI and it is pressing against my spinal cord and spinal fluids are blocked in two places and it is causing nerve damage to my hands. I had already suffered severe muscle loss. I just had open heart surgery the end of last year, 4 by passes and an valve replaced. They want to go into the front of my neck and take a piece of bone out in the pressure area. Trouble is I have to get a clear from the heart doctor to do this major operation. Being self-employed I'm not thrilled about the whole thing. I was off for three months with the heart and the doctor says this will be another two month recuperation. So I'm waiting for the doctors to make the decision. If there is any CMA doctors out there give me a heads up if you think procedure sounds like the right thing.

Now I want you to know I should I should get promoted fron Sargent to officer for this because  typed this with two fingers, so if the spelling is bad or I missed  something "NO DEMERITS".

Want to say Hi to Shark , Randy,Bart and my "64" buddies, Lee, Rich, Tommy, Benny, Eddie, Bordie, etc.

Don't ask me why this type changes, I don't have a clue!!!!!!  Hands  are starting to burn so thisa is it. Good health to you all and hope to see you at the  reunion, and no excuse, I live 1024 miles away from Myrtle Beach and I have only missed one reuion and that was because I was sick!! Like many other cadets feel CMA is family.

Mike (Wisconsin) Mokry

Mike Mokry