Jess Mercer Christmas
Posted Friday, December 24, 2010 02:28 PM

My Godson, his family and I will attend midnight mass at First Lutheran in Norfolk, Va. On Chritsmas Day I will have dinner with friends for the 57th year. Quite a tradition.

Happy Holidays to all. Jess


exert from email to Shark Roberts from Jess Mercer


Well, we got our Christmas snow. Indeed, we're still getting it - 10" so far and it's still coming down. Nothing but nothing is moving, but I've plenty to eat and am warm, so what more could I ask. But I just talked to a friend in Ontario (Hamilton) and they have just a dusting. Depressing!
Christmas was most pleasant. The kids and I went to midnight mass in Norfolk. I finally got in bed about 2 a.m. Then up about 10 to go to friends for Christmas dinner - the 57th year. Quite a tradition. My surprise was the notebook the kids gave me. I fired it up, it set itself up and immediately locked on my linksys. No problems there. It weighs so little it will be wonderful for trips (assuming I take any more)
I hope you're not snowed in, that Santa was good to you both, and that your New Year will be all you could wish for.
Best, Jess